Want Modern & Secure Web based Application from someone?

Hello, I am Arif Hossain, Studied Computer Science and Engineering, besides that i have 2 years of working experience in


A Software Engineer, proficient in JavaScript and its frameworks. Experienced in JS- based technologies like React js for the front end, and also Express as back end framework, Comfortable in NoSQL-based DB like MongoDB. Passionate about problem solving. Familiar with Software testing, API testing and Deployment.

What types of technologies are used?

lets see about that


Front End

* HTML5, CSS, Tailwind CSS, SCSS

* Bootstrap, Material UI, Ant Design, Sementic UI

* JavaScript, ES6/ES2015, TypeScript

* React JS, React query, Next Js,

* Redux, Redux thunk, RTK query


Back End & packages

* NodeJS

* ExpressJS

* JsonWebtoken

* BcryptJs

* Multer



* MongoDB



DevOps & Tools

* AWS(EC2, Amplify)

* Unit testing(RTL, Jest, Mocha)

* CI/CD Integration

* Docker

* Postman, Insomnia

Some projects(Swipe right to see more)
